Future scientist loves robotics

Karin Yamamura loves studying nanotechnology.
Karin Yamamura loves studying nanotechnology.

Karin Yamamura has always seen the value of science. Growing up she was entranced by robotics and how they could be used for medical benefits. 

“I became interested in nanotechnology and physics. I am really interested in science because all things in society and life have a scientific basis. For example, our smartphones are made of a glass surface with graphite and silicon and the greatest minds in chemistry and nanotechnology helped to put them together,” Karin says. 

After finishing high school, Karin wanted a way to pursue her career in science. She came across UTS Insearch, the pathway college to the University of Technology Sydney, and decided it would be the perfect way to realise her ambition to become a nanotechnology researcher. 

“I would like to use the technology to help improve the efficiency of materials for medical purposes – such like lasers. Learning how to use nanotechnology to help treat modern diseases would be awesome. For example, scientists now use nanoparticles to target cancers so patients can avoid invasive surgery,” she says. 

Currently at UTS, Karin is really enjoying working in the UTS Science laboratories as part of her Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology and says it is giving her ideas about where she can go with her career. 

“I really like using the lab telescopes and looking at nanobots,” she says.

Nanobots are robots that are microscopic in nature. They are used in the research and development and are expected to do specific tasks at the atomic, molecular and cellular level to help with breakthroughs, especially in medical science. 

“During the laboratory sessions we see how the theory applied to the actual experiment and how much these are acceptable as products,” Karin says. 

“I like to read new research articles and I’m so excited especially when theory which we studied in the lecture is used in the research and when thinking about the future study.”

Karin says that UTS gives her lots of challenging experiments, reports and presentations which she can use in her future career. 

“I can imagine working in a research setting or being a saleswoman for a nanotech company and my current studies will prepare me well for these roles,” she says.